Radio Sechaba Praised In Mail & Guardian’s Feature On The Rise Of Mzansi Jazz!

“In true Dyer fashion, the compositions are brilliant. But so is the songwriting, which is so powerful that it’s hard to deny him a spot as one of the greats from this generation of music heads. Check Mogaetsho, on which he sings: “O filwe maatla ke batho, ba go tshepa go supa tsela/ go rileng mogaetsho, nkare khumo di tlhakantse tlhogo/ balatedi ba timetse/ go rileng mogaetsho [You were given power by the people/ they trusted you to lead the way/ what’s happening my guy, it seems material possessions have got to your head/ the people’s faith in you has waned, what’s happening my guy?]” 

Read the full article here. Words by Tseliso Monaheng.